This digital Guidebook is bilingual (French / English) for an International use. It allows precise researches via many different criteria : product family (natural, synthetic or bases & specialities), botanical name, CAS number, origin, olfactive note or supplying company.
On the menu on the left of the screen, you may select one or several criteria :
- · Simple research :
- Select one product family or one other criteria and click.
- Click on “search”.
- · Multi-criteria research:
- Select a product family AND another criteria and click
(for instance “Natural” then “Lemon” in the Commercial Name option).
- The list of all the lemons will be proposed to you.
- If you click on one of the products, you will have access to its specifications.
- If you click on the supplier’s name, you will have access to the list of all the products that he has registered into this guidebook.
- If you click on the CAS number, you will have access to the list of all the suppliers of this particular product under same CAS number.